A heart of thanksgiving for what I have today and every day.

1. My Brokenness 2. Pain that got me there 3. Healing 4. Grace 5. God in those spaces and places 6. The greatest Love, ever 7. God’s mercy on me 8. Consequences that remind me of where I was and where He’s taken me (as far as the east is from the west) 9. How God is using all of …

3 Tips for Lovely, Lasting, Life Change

I’ve experienced significant changes in my life. For example: I don’t drink to gain acceptance (I don’t drink; I accept myself) I’m no longer drowning in debt (I never did find my cure in clothing) I don’t use people to have childhood issues met (years of therapy met that need) I don’t work too much (I’ve found my value in …

Be Real

An interesting thought struck me just as I sat down to write. A voice within said, “Laura, be real” I pondered that involuntary, ever-so-helpful suggestion from my conscience. Be real. What else would I be? Not real? A Fake? An imitator? Who would I be, if I were not being real? I guess I know all too well: Who I’ve …


I was in the midst of my morning rush, doing what I do: the daily dash. I barked out my usual morning “cheer,” to my daughter Natalie “Come on, come on, come on! Let’s go, Let’s go, Let’s go!” slurred like just one word. We flung ourselves into the car, and with my foot to the floor, pulse pumping, we …

Live Intentionally

Too often the word intention is associated with negative circumstances—things we mean to do but are unable to follow through with. Having even the most genuine intention is a far cry from being able to in fact live intentionally. When we live intentionally, we bring our plans from concept to reality. This is easier said than accomplished, though it’s hardly …

Work Intentionally

The ability to work intentionally presents its own set of obstacles and opportunities for improvement. People in the working world must actualize their intentions in a way conducive to their profession as well as their personal life. When we work intentionally, achievements that follow are rooted in authenticity. While life coaching services are hardly limited to any specific type of …

Speak Intentionally

Among family, friends, coworkers and even yourself, practicing how to speak intentionally remains crucial to quality of life—your own and that of all those in your company. In some cases, the most personally confident and professionally competent individuals suffer from the inability to speak intentionally. The resulting gap in communication then prevents them from achieving their true living potential, no …