I Stand Corrected

I would have never uttered those words in the past! I would not stand to be corrected on anything. But I sit quietly now on the boat, tied to the dock, the fog has lifted, literally and figuratively, and now I can see! I’m up North near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, away from my busy city life, experiencing the …

Lost Parts

We all lose a part of ourselves during various phases of life. Sometimes we lose ourselves while in a relationship; maybe we are with a person who is threatened, intimidated or annoyed with one of our hobbies or interests. Some of us are people-pleasers and this makes it even easier to lose a part of our selves to gain favor …

Making Sense of Nonsense

My heart hurts. Life was lovely until I turned on the radio enroute a day of “fun,” only to hear about the deaths of 50 people who were mowed down in Orlando by an alleged terrorist. Right after that, we heard the tragic news about a young aspiring Christian singer, Christina Grimmie, whose 22 year life was cut short by …

I Don’t Know

I don’t know. I say that a lot in response to questions I’m asked these days. My 11 year old typically replies, “Jeez Mom, you don’t know much!” And I laugh. The truth is there is something wonderful and freeing in “I don’t know.” There was a time when I knew EVERYTHING! If I didn’t know it, I might even …

His Victory

He wanted her dead. In his feeble, limited mind it would be one less in the Kingdom of Forever. And that’s what he lived for: to snare and snatch from the shadows. He was keen to see her every mistake, her every misstep and oh, she had many! He delighted in that and it was his joy to remind her. …

The Reflection

Take a look in the mirror and stay there. As you hold your glance, what do you see in the reflection? Look past your face and physical features and go deeper, to the whole “picture” of you. Do you like the person you see? Who are you on the inside? Do you like your values? Your choices and habits? How …

Life & Legacy

Life can be piercing. Yesterday was filled with emotion from every possible range: the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, every kind, but pain was most prevalent. My sweet friends buried their eight year old son, Robert. His life here was filled with more adversity than many people’s lives combined. In his too short time, he battled from …

End of Year Inventory

Do you have a ritual for the passing year? Over the past few years, I’ve made it a point to do a review of my life at year’s end. I’ve found it helpful for setting up my next year. I don’t claim to be in charge, quite the contrary: God leads me. Still, I am intentional about my life and …

Coaching or Counseling?

People often confuse coaching with counseling. While studying for my certification, I was struck by a very simple explanation: counseling looks backward, while coaching looks forward. If you find yourself talking about the past and what was done to you, you may be in need of counseling. You have a wound to heal. If you were riding your bike and …

I Admit

The word “Admit” has been on my mind. I’m a life coach and I spend my time coaching others, particularly my #1 coachee: my daughter. I use the term “coaching” fairly loosely as life coaches don’t give advice. I knowingly violate that coaching standard, however, with this very special coachee. We talk daily about life and how we can do …