Do you have a ritual for the passing year? Over the past few years, I’ve made it a point to do a review of my life at year’s end. I’ve found it helpful for setting up my next year. I don’t claim to be in charge, quite the contrary: God leads me. Still, I am intentional about my life and I prayerfully take action, instead of doing what I used to do: mindlessly letting time pass me by.
Here are the areas I like to review:
Major Life Experiences: I might use my paper calendar, journal and iphone to look back over my year to think about what has happened (I have a bad memory and don’t always recall major life experiences!). I think about what has occurred with significant others, family members, friends, myself. I ponder my role in these events and ask would I do differently next time? This year, I spent six months in training and certification as a professional life coach. I went on to gain group coaching skills and I’m enjoying opportunities to help others make significant changes in their lives in a variety of areas. I am working with a mentor to help me set up a practice so I can successfully reach out to help people in need. I also spent a few months getting trained and certified as a foster parent. I would call all of these experiences major blessings in my life and I’m ending the year with feelings of gratitude. What are some major experiences in your life this past year? People who’ve entered your life? Left it? What happened in your life this year?
Major Obstacles: Under this heading, I review what has gotten in the way of my moving forward in a healthy way. Am I missing an important life skill? If so, how do I go about acquiring it? There was a time when I could not hold a boundary. I took a Townsend and Cloud Boundaries class at my church which helped me tremendously. Another year, when I was experimenting more with cooking, I signed up for an essential knife skills class at Sur La Table. That was another excellent skill gained—I use my kitchen knives daily and effortlessly. One year, I made it a point to practice communicating peacefully in face-to-face situations, a skill I absolutely lacked but now have. This past year, I worked with a life coach to help me move forward in some areas in which I felt stuck. We put our kids in all kinds of activities to hone their skill sets, why not do it for ourselves? What skills do you need to acquire to live more fully and move past what stands in your way?
Trips: I took fewer trips this year than in previous years, but upon reflection, would stick with my basic annual trips of going to the lake in Minnesota and for time spent at the beach with family and friends. Both offer rest, reflection and relaxation. As I think about what I want for the next year, I think about the joy and wonder I felt while vacationing with my daughter in Alaska, fishing, hiking and exploring. That was one of the best trips ever and I need to do it again! Three places call to me for the new year: Alaska, San Diego and Hawaii. I’m putting them out there and we’ll see what transpires. I serve a great God and He has great plans for me and my family. Where do you want to go this next year? What’s important to you? Who do you want to be with and what do you want to see? What’s it going to take to follow through on your travel plans?
Activities: What are you yearning to do? What haven’t you done yet, that calls to you? Why not do some research and figure out how to add it to your life in this next year? I’m putting less activities, and more still time on my list for this next year. I’d like more white space and less “go, go, go.”
Spiritual Growth changes/Disciplines: What did you do this year to grow spiritually? What do you want to do this year? I just added a new daily devotional to my morning readings and I vow to continue reading the Bible in a year (which for me is really two). I will continue spending quiet time when I rise, reading, journaling and praying, that’s what works for me. What works for you?
What I want more of: How do you want to spend your time? Who do you want to spend it with? I want to spend quality time with loved ones. That takes me back to new skills. I want to continue being present with my young daughter as we only have seven years together before she goes to college. I want to be present with people I’m with and would like to continue working on my communications skills: face to face whenever possible, then a phone call, and very little texting—it’s too easy to hide behind a text.
What I want less of: As you look over your year, what do you want to discard in the new year? Busyness is high on my list of behaviors that have to go. As I said, more stillness, less movement, especially mindless activity that keeps me from focusing on God and wants for me: to rest and be intentional regarding His plans for me.
You might add your own categories to review. Do what works for you! If you feel stuck somewhere, you might consider life coaching as a great way to move forward.