1. My Brokenness
2. Pain that got me there
3. Healing
4. Grace
5. God in those spaces and places
6. The greatest Love, ever
7. God’s mercy on me
8. Consequences that remind me of where I was and where He’s taken me (as far as the east is from the west)
9. How God is using all of me: the good, the bad, and beyond ugly
10. The people He has put and continues to put on my path of growth
11. My miracle daughter
12. Mia, our rescue dog (it’s clear who rescued who)
13. Mr Gills, our beautiful, blue Betta, he shows us how to “Be Still”
14. Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling and how it encourages me
15. My Bible and how personally it was written for me (and you)
16. My sun room, a favorite early morning place
17. Our church and school: a place of support and encouragement and so much more
18. Our family of origin and those “chosen” – always with us
19. My daughter’s Godmom, a real live Angel
20. Susan. Here on earth 51 years…we will be together again.
21. The Row skating rink, where I become young again for an hour or two
22. God’s provision – not always what I want but reliably what I need
23. Hope – the Truth about my life regardless of circumstances
24. Second chances
25. This very moment.