A New Picture of Pain

I am back, a day later, to look, acknowledge and experience my pain. It isn’t the same today.

I feel a darting, a movement of pain, but today, it is not as piercing. The pain does not cut as deeply into my insides. I let go again and let the pain lines go where they may.

Pain releases slowly from my pen. I mimic the lines of pain pinging around inside me. I notice, there are not as many moving parts to my pain, today. It is not as intense, the lines not so constricted. I feel slightly more free, yet I still notice:



The Unknown


I begin to question my pain, asking if it is true. Yes, it is there I notice, but are my pain points true? I face them head on.

What makes me nervous? Not knowing.

What makes me fearful? Not knowing.

What is unknown? Everything. Yet nothing real.

What is confusing? My understanding.

This is what I hear as the Truth speaks to me:

Even though you walk through the valley, I am with you.
Be strong and courageous, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

My ways are higher than your ways.

I am filled with Truth and my pain is replaced with a sense of peace.

The truth sets my pain free.


What does you pain look like?

What does it feel like?

What is your pain saying to you?

What does the Word of Truth say in response?