A Perfect Peace

I woke up feeing tired from the busyness of the season and truthfully, my endless, self-scribed To Do list.  My soul felt smothered and crushed by the frenetic activity of the previous day.  I was running on Empty and the last fumes had evaporated. I simply had nothing left. AsI sat in reflection in the wee hours the following morning, I realized I had been on a quest of materialism, consumerism, people-pleasing, me-ism and somehow, a desire to be liked and thanked for the just the right, thoughtful gift. 

Yet I know nothing material satisfies.  I always fall short of finding the perfect thing.  Although I keep searching for it.  The perfect “thing” seems to move ahead and as I pick up speed hoping to nab it, it seems to pick up speed too, remaining elusive.  Always, I find it just outside my reach. 

This reminds me of my earlier days and years, my first 41 years on the planet when I wandered, maybe even sprinted through life, hither and yon, searching, seeking and striving.  Attempting to gain the approval of parental units and an authentic connection with family and friends.  I wanted to really know someone on a personal and deep level and share life’s joy’s, pains and struggles. 

As I sit here early in the morning seeking rest for my weary soul, I come to a full awareness of a tiny, rudimentary wooden carving of Mary and Joseph praying over their baby Jesus.   As my vision becomes crystal clear and I see the simple message before me, I become mindful of the all the distractions:  the chocolate Christmas countdown, the fur-lined stockings hung beautifully over the fireplace, the Elf up on the Shelf, the sparkling bows adorning the packages assorted under the lit-up Christmas tree.  They all call to me, trying to distract me from the simple truth.

A child is born, a Savior to the world.

THIS is Christmas.

He came for me.  He lived a perfect life and he died a horrible death, for me.  He took all of my sin upon Himself.  He died for me.  I was set free.

Thank you Jesus for coming for me!

This Christmas, I pray I can Be Still, not frenetic, not frenzied, not in pursuit of the perfect holiday decoration, the perfect gift or the perfect wrapping, or the perfect holiday experience. All of these worldly pursuits and possessions leave me empty when only the Perfect One can bring what I need most,


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not be afraid…”  Jn 14:27

I pray that we may all have Peace on Earth, peace in our homes and peace in our hearts.  Only through the Perfect One who lived a perfect life and perfectly took the sins of the world upon Himself, can we have a deeply personal and peaceful Christmas.