15 Tips To Manage Anxiety In These Trying, Coronavirus Times

1. Have a daily routine. Rise and retire at regular times. Ps 4:8, Ps 23:1-3

2. Worship our God who is in control of the universe… the sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, all living creatures and all of humanity. Acknowledge that you did not hang the stars today! Deut 10:21, Is 46:9-10, Ps 103:19

3. Start your day with a God-focused devotional. (find one online if you don’t have one). Read it with your family or willing housemates. When we look back in history, we can see that God sent an illness (as one of the ten plagues) in order to turn people away from idols (ie. gods, small ‘g’) and to bring them back to Him as the one and only true God. Devote time to Him. Ps 29:1-4,Ex 20:2-6, Ex 23:25, Ps 29:11

4. Pray for our nation, that we would stop going our own way (the Bible calls this sin) and seek God’s will. 2 Chron 7:14, 1 Jn 1:9, Acts 3:19, Prov 28:13, Jas 4:8

5. Pray for leaders, business owners, the elderly, family members, neighbors, friends and mostly your/our enemies. Rom 13:1, Prov 11:14, Matt 5:44

6. Ask for God’s will for your day, not your own, and that He would glorify Himself (He will be glorified through your prayer). Rom 11:36, Phil 4:6-7

7. Let go and let God. He’s got this and all your problems—you don’t! 2 Cor 4:8-19, Rom 8:28, Ps 121:1-2, 1 Pet 5:7

8. Think of ways you can help someone else. Mail a card, make a phone call, send money to a charity in need. Smile at a stranger. You’ll be blessed as you give and find little ways to act in kindness and love today. 2 Cor 1:3-4, Eph 4:32

9. Use the gifts and strengths God gave you as you loosely plan your day. How will you use them to enjoy and glorify God? How will you help and encourage others in your home or neighborhood? (If you suddenly homeschool, don’t worry, you won’t ruin your kids…trust your intuition to teach them what they need to be taught in this trying time.) 1 Pet 4:10-11, 1 Cor 12:4-11

10. Don’t plan too much. The One who gifted you is the Most Creative. He made you, after all! Let Him create your day. Gen 1:1-28, Jn 6:31

11. Look no further than today. In ancient times, the Israelites tried to hoard bread. The bread turned disgusting and was not fit to eat. God says He will give us enough for today. Tomorrow can wait for tomorrow. Enjoy today! Matt 6:11, Ex 16:18-20, Jn 6:31, Deut 8:3, Matt 6:34

12. Draw on God’s awesome “creating” power to get you through the difficulties and discouraging moments. Turn to Him and tell Him about your feelings and fears. He hears You and will meet all your needs. Phil 4:19, 2 Cor 9:8, 2 Pet 1:3

13. Relax more. His word tells us to “Be still and know He is God.” Get to know Him a little bit more today as you relax in and with Him. Ps 46:10

14. At the end of the day, marvel at what He did! Thank Him for how He blessed or stretched you in ALL circumstances. 1 Thess 5:16-18, Col 3:17, 1 Chron 16:34

15. Trust in God. This is what our founding fathers called us to do in the creation of our nation and more importantly, this is what our Heavenly Father called us to do in the creation of the universe and all of mankind. Let’s trust Him! Prov 3:5-6, Matt 6:10